
Why is Disney remaking so many movies right now?

Mickey Mouse on a piano

From live-action remakes to animation, we witness a lot of change in the way Disney is stepping up its game content-wise. The latest inclusion being the Lion King remake has used advanced technology of CGI and VFX to create realistic characters in animals. The question is why Disney’s movie remakes wildly popular and successful. It is a huge risk to remake their work and not gain much popularity out of it. Even in the absence of Walt Disney, Disney seems to work in full swing, with several remakes still on the line to be created. Disney could focus on making sequels more than just remakes. In recent years we have become habituated with the numerous remakes of Disney movies made by a team of advanced studio animators. We have seen Disney movies like Cinderella, The Jungle Book, Beauty, and the Beast, and Dumbo remade. Let us dig deeper into why Disney is remaking its path with Disney live-action and digitally animated Disney movies.

As Usual-Demand Creates Supply

A few years ago, we must go back to realize how the trend of the movie remakes from the vault emerged. Both Alice in Wonderland and beauty and the Beast garnered more than $1 billion at the box office. The Jungle Book has come coles to generating $966.6 million. There was a surging pattern where people were coming to watch Disney movies no matter how old they were, along with their children. In comparison to the big-budget originals made by Disney, the revenue has been less with Disney movies like Pete’s Dargon, A Wrinkle in Time, Tomorrowland, The Nutcracker, and the Four Realms, etc. Comparison has revealed a demand for remakes of old Disney movies either in the form of live-action or advanced animation. They were making movies with already established characters resonated better than establishing new Disney characters in new Disney movies.

Money as a main engine of the process

Disney will recreate everything they already own in their vault. Amidst the rumors where Walt Disney had written in his will that all Disney movies must be remade, we must understand that it is a simple formula that can lead Disney to success. Dumbo, The Lion King, Aladdin, Lady, and the Tramp, The Sword in the Stone, Peter Pan, Snow White, and the Seven Dwarves, The Little Mermaid, Pinocchio, etc., are the legendary Disney movies that have been made and will be released soon. Disney movies own the intellectual property they remake, giving them the right to make many more Disney remakes. The new Disney movies that were made did not generate much revenue as compared to the remakes.

Thoughts about new live-action Disney movies

When Alice in Wonderland had portrayed Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, everyone got mesmerized. The film generated over $1 billion worldwide. It was not just an attempt to make a Disney live-action movie but also to utilize new and developing technologies that made the movie remakes completely immersive. From this point onward, the audience looks forward to every Disney movie remake. Disney has become cautious about creating any further new Disney movies as a stop-gap and focusing more on Disney remakes.

Since 2010, Disney has been making remakes of numerous animated classics under their banner. The new Disney live-action movies attract families that want to familiarise their new generations with the goodness they grew up with. The Disney live-action movies include Aladdin, Lion King, Jungle Book, Cinderella, Maleficent, and many more.

New upcoming movies from Disney

The Disney movies are picking up its pace and are planning to produce more such Disney movies in the future. Getting used to some Disney remakes is the new trend. The new versions and remakes of Disney movies have successfully incorporated technological advances and sticking to the old story. The Disney movies that are about to be released after Mulan are as follows-


Cruella will be releasing on 28th May 2021. This 1961 animation film has been given a twist as the movie will release in the classic Disney live-action form. This movie’s name suggests that the protagonist is a villainous and fur-obsessed character going by the name Cruella De Vil. We will get a glimpse of how Cruella became who she is and allow the viewers to have a sympathetic approach towards Cruella, who became what she became because of the circumstances she was in. Nonetheless, such Disney remakes are bound to be a hit.

The Little Mermaid

We have seen Ariel in varying avatars, yet, this live-action remake will have Halle Bailey, a person of color, playing the role of Ariel, who was shown as a white person. The released date for the movie is yet to be decided. These types of Disney remakes aim to bring real changes in the aspect of stereotypical roles.

The Sword in the Stone

This movie was created in 1963 by Disney. As the date is concerned, it is yet to be decided.

There are many other Disney remakes yet to be decided upon and filmed. Other movies are still being developed like Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Tink, Rose Red, Prince Charming, Hunchback, Lilo & Stitch, Genies, and many more. The audience is patient enough to wait for these Disney remakes. The new Disney movies are still being thought through.


Thus, the audience will always yearn to get a glimpse of their nostalgic childhood through the remakes of Disney movies they have grown up watching. Children associate with their family and the stories they hear. If Disney remakes movies that have been the prime differentiator of entertainment for children, then so be it. Family and children always look forward to watching something that they can heavily relate to and get entertained. It all started with Alice’s live-action remake in Wonderland, and since then, Disney movies have demarcated the beginning of a new era.


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